Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Childhood home

My Attitude of Gratitude

I actually do this in an email to myself 'most' days.  Most of the time means could do better!  Luckily the Thanksgiving holiday makes me more aware of my laziness!

What am I thankful for?

My daughter Rachael of whom I am infinitely proud and love more each day
My sister Joan, my brothers and their families
My boyfriend Kevin
My parents, sister Linda and loved ones who have moved on to non physical who are always near
A happy childhood
My best friend Heather and close friends
My ongoing curiosity that keeps me moving forward and wanting to know and be better
My love of reading!!
The internet and computers/technology
Nature - grass, woods, birds, (some bugs lol) water, mountains, sunshine
Our cat Jasmine who understands my moods!
Natural therapies and answers to anything we need if we ask
Law of Attraction and knowing we choose what we want
My new car
My 2 business's
My job as a stepping stone
Money in the bank
Good movies, music
My new exercise bike
Fun memories that make me laugh till I cry
Living in the United States
Did I say reading? :o)
Things that smell good to me - cut grass, the ocean/beach, horses, good food, rainy mornings, suntan lotion, musty basements, cold days with no snow, dollar bills, wood fire...

I could go on, but you get the drift.  Take some time out to email yourself or write a list when you have 5 minutes - anytime is the right time.  Feelings that go with your appreciation or gratitude draw more good into your life.  Worth the 5 minutes.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

I've decided to try and think of the fun holidays coming up instead of dwelling on the soon to come winter weather. My mom always embraced all the different reasons to celebrate the various holidays...each had their own set of window decorations or home 'decor' she would set out. Food, and special cookies or recipes too! I must say, as a kid I enjoyed it and made all the different holidays something to look forward too. Halloween, My Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines...See? If you put it that way the next 5-6 months CAN be something to anticipate!

Hopefully you have some fun traditions, decorations and treats you can use to enjoy the next few months - positive distractions make everything more enjoyable. Have a few friends over, learn how to knit or crochet, cook or bake a family favorite and how about volunteering occasionally to cheer up someone else?

The colder months tend to keep us closer to home, keeping warm and a bit of hibernating. I love this as I like having projects or changing rooms or furniture around, making my space more homey in general. Don't forget your office too! And then there are times you must get outside and get some air... enjoy the crisp days, especially when the sun is out. Bundle up, go for a walk or visit someone or grab a coffee and read the paper. Cabin fever can set in if you stay too isolated, so know the signs of feeling blah or bored and do something about it! Vitamin D3 is flying off the shelves right about now, and with good reason. Extremely helpful with your Immune System, hormonal system and prevention of SAD (seasonal effective disorder) - don't write off Vitamin D3 as unimportant.

So get out the couch blankets, fuzzy slippers, flannel sheets and hot chocolate - stock up on soups, teas and some immune supplements and snuggle in. This can be a wonderful time of year when you plan on it!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Never Too Early or Too Late To Start
Aging Well!

Well that's certainly a relief, but realize how true it is. I was listening to something recently about "getting older" and how we accept aging and decline as going hand in hand. But does it really? We all know those seeming exceptions to the rule - Those up in age a bit (or alot) who are still working, traveling, volunteering, gardening, attending parties etc and just enjoying daily life. These don't have to be exceptions - and that all starts with your belief and how you can tweak it and start enjoying life to the fullest where you are.

How can you encourage more Strength and Energy?

Starting tomorrow, how about stretching when you wake up? At least 2 minutes before you even leave your room. Staying limber is always to your benefit. How about setting a goal of being able to grab you toes/touch floor without bending your knees? Bet it won't take that long. For those with physical limitations, do your best. Also some resistance workout or muscle building is soooo beneficial. Holds off bone loss and keeps you stronger. Those resistance bands or light hand weights are perfect. DVDs or YouTube.com has basic workouts if you need ideas. Other simple add ons to your day...parking further away. Obviously if you have a health condition that limits you, don't worry about this one...but otherwise how much of a big deal is it to get the closest parking spot? I see so many able bodied folks cruising and circling the parking lots waiting for someone to leave! Sheesh...park where there's a spot and get on with it! I purposely park far a way to get some exercise. Basically all of this benefits you, keeps you active and builds you up.

B vitamins, Circulatory Herbs, OPC3 (srtongest antioxidant out there), Green Drinks - all play a role in encouraging and maintaining energy, youthfulness and graceful aging. And for those wanting some facial products that really do get results...watch for my next blog entry on items that can make a visible difference! (samples for those who comment on this post, so include your email)

What can you do to stay Mentally Sharp?

When did you last read a book? When did you last play a card game or board game - even a crossword puzzle? Have you written anything lately, ie letter, short story, goals? Maintained or started a new hobby? What are you waiting for? These are enjoyable, and very do-able but you have to keep it up and not just do it on rare occasion. I look forward to reading more than TV or movies and I always keep a book in my car or purse. So much to learn about or just lose yourself in - I love when I read something I had no idea about and it gets me interested in something brand new!

**Water, Gingko, Rosemary, OPC3, Omega 3, my Brain Formula, even walnuts all help to improve or maintain healthy brain function! **

How Do You Stay Emotionally/Spiritually Grounded?

I like to have some routines that bring peace of mind or relief from daily stress or concerns. Whether it's prayer, meditation, reading uplifting books, church, volunteering, nature- the outcome of all of these practices is to bring relief and hopeful outlooks. This should be a daily practice - NOT just when things seem troublesome. Having a good foundation and appreciative mindset when things are going pretty good or great, set the stage so you don't have such lows in the future. Quiet time anywhere is rejuvenating. A cup of tea/coffee or yummy fruit smoothie is a great way to nurture and practice some self care while enjoying that down time.

Having outlets that make you smile, laugh or just let loose are great too! I love having little and big things to look forward to. Constantly!! Like a carrot in front of the horse...it can propel you towards more of what you want for yourself and those you are close to.

All of the above are simple ways to keep on the path of wellness physically and emotionally. How do you stay on top of your well being?


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What A Butt Head!

"Lame driver! What the heck kind of move do you call that?? Honestly, is it too much to ask to drive around people who have courtesy for the other drivers?" Insides churning, I then get home and proceed to recap the person's lack of driving skills or lack there of, to the next person I talk to and we agree and find even more instances of 'butt heads' on the road.

Ok I better stop there as I can feel myself going down that road and I'm not even on the road! lol But whether it's the inconsiderate driver on your way home from work, or the 'dip' on the phone who still can't fix your order when it was their error in the first place (these are our thoughts of course..not verbalized out loud!) ;o) we all have had those instances of impatience, anger or frustration that we let get to us and it stays with us much longer than needed. I'm all for venting your frustration at events that push our buttons, cause I certainly do -but harboring it longer than necessary or continuously bringing it up hours or days after the fact also brings up those same unpleasant feelings that accompany it. I am one of those folks who tends to put a humorous slant on something eventually...so then I end up laughing at it. However sometimes not even that is a good thing as there can always be 'residue' of upset feelings lingering in there somewhere.

Maybe that's why I resonate so well with shows like King of Queens, Seinfeld, As Time Goes By, Golden Girls or Everybody Hates Chris. I literally laugh out loud at these shows..responding to their drama and of course humorous spin on it. THAT is much healthier as we have no attachment to 'their' stuff...so I do recommend shows like this that poke fun at everyday life and let you laugh at how silly or small most of this stuff really is! Finding ways to laugh at life is a gift and the folks who wrote these shows did it well. Why not bring more of that into your everyday life?

I also catch myself more lately when one of these instances does come into my experience/day...to take a deep breath and then ask myself...ok...what is the opposite of this situation? I find myself doing this a lot lately and maybe about time as walking around irritated is getting old! So I may ask myself, "Alright Katy, what is the opposite of a jerk driver?" Wellll, I guess it would be...competent drivers who are courteous and safe. What would be the opposite of a rude or annoying customer service person on the phone? Hmm - someone who is funny, polite and sincerely helpful. Okay, get where I'm going here? Even imagining the more desired scenarios feeels better!

I am increasing my awareness of how I feel on a daily basis and I am getting better at it. Instead of stewing in a lousy feeling that literally in the past has ruined an entire day or put a damper on a weekend - I am instead taking time out, telling myself this feels like crap and what can I do about it! I try refocusing on the opposite as I stated above and after making a few statements in my head, I may then find something positive to uplift myself with even briefly. Seems lots of this happens when I'm at work. lol Go figure (Thank goodness my new business is soon to replace my J.O.B.) Happily this has been working rather well which is making me more consistent. I am also meditating more and hope to lead a class on that soon too, so stay tuned.

Stress just isn't worth it. Long term it just takes its toll and I'm for EASE more than anything else. See? Ease is the opposite of Stress. What do you know, I'm on to something here! Smile and feel free to share your comments on how you bring about Ease in your life!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lookout Here I Come!
Just thoughts that feel good to think about ☺

I was eating exhaust fumes while driving behind this VERY LATE model station wagon the other morning...I had to laugh as I got close enough to read the model of the car "Caprice Classic". Classic alright! lol But even funnier is as a kid my siblings and I were carted around in the exact same one, although ours was light blue. We thought it cool - wow- all 7 kids jammed in there with mom and dad, and if you were lucky mom would let you sit in the 'way back'. Facing out the back window.

We did graduate to a 'family van' as we got bigger. The Caprice couldn't hold us once we all started getting bigger/taller etc. I still remember driving the monster van. But my driving experience at 16 was in my dads pride and joy, a candy apple red 'Studebaker'. No power steering or power brakes - winding in and out of a nearby department store parking lot on a Sunday. I was exhausted by the time we were done and I was ready to turn over the wheel to dad and he says, "you can drive home". Lordy...such faith!! Then again, they did make the cars pretty solid back then! ha This was the only family car to grace the inner sanctum of our garage.

I love how something as simple as a car spotting can bring up some great memories. I can appreciate a good looking older model car - it makes it suddenly real that there was a time and place when you or your family were either MUCH younger or not even born and life was rolling along. Come to think of it I've always had dreams of a time machine.

That would be something else again.


Thursday, August 05, 2010

Just Give Me Some Relief!

Stomach and intestinal woes are on the rise! I can't be the only one who's noticed that a large part of the population are on stomach meds? Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac...these are becoming household names! Understandably, since our bodies are sending off uncomfortable symptoms many are looking for relief!

Sooo...I've been giving it some thought as I tend to go backwards to the source of problems. I'm all for getting relief, but since the stomach basically does its thing from birth, I'm guessing it knows how to keep things balanced when we take care of it, at least most of the time. Normally our diet and lifestyle are to blame...stress, convenience foods, sweets, too much coffee, soda or alcohol... all of these contribute to the stomach not being able to keep up and causing our entire body to have a more problems digesting and absorbing nutrients, and having more acidity than not.

Guess what ? It's fixable! And here's the shortened version. Stop doing what you've been doing to cause it! lol Ok...maybe I can expand on that a bit.

Diet considerations- I've been doing some re-educating on the benefits of eating more 'alkaline foods' as opposed to acid causing foods. No surprise that pretty much all fresh vegetables are 'safe' and gentle on the body and digestion, so these should be the higher percentage when meal planning. Beef, Poultry, Fish...dairy, (goat milk/cheese are better), coffee, processed juices, alcohol, canned veggies, pickled veggies, sugar, and artificial sugars, are just a partial list. You may be getting the picture. Just start eating LESS of these foods and start eating healthier in general. A good rule is 75% safer foods and 25% of the more acid producing.

Along with dietary changes are some proven, safe remedies to help balance the acid in the body, help digestion and heal the digestive tract.

Digestive Enzymes - We need them! The body produces some, and all fresh uncooked foods (veggies/fruits) come equipped with them...no surprise there! But think of how many processed/cooked meals we've consumed! And as we age, we make less. Most of us need some help. Enzymes are required for the proper digestion and assimilation of the foods we eat - they actually help unlock the vitamins, proteins, minerals and hormone activity, and allow them to work in the body. Not having enough enzymes can add to quite a few problems - Acid reflux, belching/bloating/gas, bowel/intestinal disorders, poor immune function, food allergies and less energy. I'm sure there's more but that's more than enough to get me started on them! This is such an easy fix, I highly recommend having some on hand - as they also help with that 'heavy' feeling after a big meal. I like a tasty, easy brand to take as they work immediately due to their quick absorption. Oh...and added bonus... pro-biotics are also included for a more complete healing for the digestive and intestinal tracts! Awesome! Even comes in portable packets which are $21.95, Bottle is larger for $31.95

Ginger - Yes it's true! Hence our mom's giving us ginger ale when we had an upset stomach. Very soothing and helps adjust the acid in the stomach. I like crystallized ginger, found in health food stores or the bulk dept in grocery stores. Tea and herbal capsules are also great!

Aloe Vera - Secondary to Enzymes for digestion, Aloe comes thru with flying colors for Acid reflux. Giving almost instant relief. I know because I've used it and keep on hand as well as the enzymes and ginger.

Less Stress!- Of course you may have guessed this was coming. Stress can trigger that 'fight or flight' response, which then reduces blood flow to the abdomen and the production of much needed enzymes. And it all starts again! Meditation, Yoga, Exercise, Relaxation techniques all help, again don't hesitate to ask for assistance. It's what I do!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Being Nice Really Does Have Rewards

Ok ....guilty over here of not blogging! But no fear, Katy is here...(sure all were losing sleep over this). I just had to write as I'm so very happy that spring/summer is making it's appearance in numerous ways! Longer days, warmer temps, green grass, birds, flowers and farmers markets! It's all good!

And what's also good is my just minding my own business sitting here at my 'day' job and having a patient bring me a quart of fresh local organic strawberries! This is after yesterday talking with my sister about getting our own berries for our yearly jam making event. I love how simple, positive vibrations just spread out into the cosmos and bring back the goodies! I'm all for it. Hmmm..I will have to do some more vibe intentions and see what else I can materialize!

What this gesture has done was to remind me of my ongoing desire to do for others. I come from a family of 'helpers and givers' so it's in my blood. Really can be such a rush of good feelings when we take time to do something nice and usually unexpected for someone else. Doesn't have to be a grand gesture, something thoughtful is all that's required! The fact that I have a lovely quart of fresh strawberries on my desk has lifted my mood by many notches, this morning...so obviously the 'act of kindness' is always a 2 way street. We all feel good!