Monday, May 16, 2011

Interview With Coach/Mentor Catherine Martin

I've been itching to share with my readers how other professionals work with their own issues, whether it be health, relationships, money etc.  You've heard plenty from me over the years, so I thought it would be helpful to share other's perspectives.  Please enjoy the interview below and I hope you can find something that resonates with you. 

About Catherine

I am age 61 and am thoroughly loving this decade! The joy and freedom I feel at this time in life is so glorious and I look forward to each day with an open mind and heart. There is so much to look forward too and I realize am responsible for all of what happens to me in life. I have been consciously aware of the concept of  Law of Attraction principles for 17 years. I have always considered myself to be a positive thinker. I continually challenge old, outdated beliefs and thought processes that were passed on from well meaning parents, teachers, ministers, family, employers etc. I believe I create my own reality and I choose to decide what is right for me and live my life accordingly. I do not allow other people's opinions to have any influence on me and how I choose to live my life. I am very intuitive and I always trust that inner guidance to lead me in the direction that I am meant to go each moment in life. I am now a Law of Attraction Coach and Mentor and it brings me great joy when I can help others tweak and adjust their thinking a bit that then allows for their good to flow more freely and often in their direction.

Katy:  Catherine, how long have you felt that our thoughts and feelings contribute to our physical and emotional health?   In my early 20's I began reading self help books and it started to become very clear then. I also had many family examples that showed that our thoughts and feelings contribute to our physical and emotional help. Those that had the most stress and a more difficult time living their lives for themselves rather than for what they thought others expected always seemed to have the ongoing health issues. Their body and health was always a reflection of what they were thinking and focusing on. The people that talked about and focused on illness were the ones that were sick and experienced poor health. (It also seemed those that read about the side affects of medications in advance usually developed such side affects....!)

Katy:  Can you give any real examples of someone applying these techniques to improve their health? My own example: I created a serious foot injury that was preventing me from walking because I did not want to walk with a particular person anymore. The universe responded and I got two injured toes and a severe foot pain every time I tried to walk. Once I realized that this pain was a result of me not wanting to walk with that particular person I had to laugh at myself and then I immediately started with an affirmation and changed my focus. My affirmation was "My feet are healthy and functioning well. I love walking. It is my favorite form of exercise."  In a very short time all was back to normal!

Katy: What other areas of your life do you find work 'better' with this type of mindset?  Every area of life. Financial, relationships, attitude, mental health, spiritual health and physical health. Aging. There is no one area of life that works better with this type of mindset. I will say that the easiest area to test these principles early on is with money. Money, believe it or not, is one of the easiest things to manifest and that always astounds people.

Katy:   What types of daily practices would you suggest to someone who is dealing with an unwanted condition?   Affirmations first and foremost. For example lets say someone is feeling some back pain. Of course their focus is on the pain and that focus of course creates and attracts more unwanted pain. So personally I would silently repeat an affirmation like : All of the muscles and nerve endings in my back and body are healthy and functioning well. Every cell and part of my body is healthy and functioning well. I move freely and trust my body to serve me well." What we focus on expands in life. The change of focus will create a positive change every time. I also don't buy into the aging stuff that people assume will happen just because you are a certain age. It is the beliefs around the concept of aging that causes the aging issues in the first place. It is all a mindset and I for one only believe you are as young as you think yourself to be.

Wow...this is so wonderful to hear!  I know working with Catherine has renewed my enthusiasm for how I've been applying these same concepts in my life.  This is not rocket science and yes it has been known and around for 1000s of years.  Numerous teachers and healers have been pronouncing it since the beginning of time, From Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi to Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Annie Besant, Norman Vincent Peale, Louise Hay and Maherishi Mahesh Yogi to name a few. 

Do not hesitate to contact myself or Catherine with any questions!   Catherine Martin's Site

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Fast, Healthy and Figure Friendly 

Ok....just a couple fun and easy recipes to share...easy peasy, which is right up my alley!  I realize I am not the first one to make either of these...but since I 'rediscovered' these recently, I wanted to share some old favorites. 

These are low calorie and ready within 15-20 min or less.  Wow...what could be better? first one is simple and nothing new - just something I've 're-discovered out of necessity - lol, meaning I had not gone shopping and was starved but wanted something relatively healthy and quick.  Peeking inside my freezer I saw a loaf of 'lite' bread...ok...toast is ok but boring for dinner.   As I knew the fridge was pretty bare I spotted the typical staples we tend to have...eggs and in the drawer some 'not too old' sliced Colby cheese.  Fried Egg & Cheese Sandwich!  I also salvaged a still edible Roma tomato as well.  Things were looking up! 

All I did was get out the pan...spray with butter flavored PAM - turn it on medium/low - then I got out my trusty toaster and put the bread in.  While that was toasting I cracked one egg...stirred gently so it was 'scrambled' looking   and that was it.  Kept eye on it started to set, my toast was ready.  OK I did put butter on one half!!  Sorry but I love butter.  I then put the slice of cheese on the bread and brought it over to the pan on small plate. Sliced tomato thin and added that to sandwich.   By now the egg is pretty much done all the way through, but I flipped it anyway...and turned off burner.  I slid the egg out of the pan right on to the sandwich..and YES they are smaller slices of bread...but still works for me!  All I can say was YUM.  The cheese makes it...and I have also done it with Lorraine Swiss..but like the Colby better.  I've also paired this meal with a cup of soup, or small salad..but it really hits the spot and no guilt! 

Made this one over weekend!
My other 'go to' quick and healthy meal is tortilla pizzas.  I buy the smallest size...they are 80 calories each. Now depending on what I have...I will use a teaspoon of basil pesto from a jar and spread evenly on a tortilla.  I make 2 of these if I don't have a salad to pair with it.  I then spread a light layer of shredded mozzarella, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese and if I have fresh tomato I slice thin and top with this.  If no fresh tomato I always have 'roasted' diced tomato in my cupboard.  I will open a can...drain well and place the diced tomato on top.  I usually have mushrooms on hand so I add these also.   I bake in preheated oven at 400 for about 12-14 these as I dont' like 'burnt' cheese.  I slice with pizza cutter and enjoy.  

Again this is soooo tasty and hits the spot.  If I do NOT have the jar of basil pesto, I will take a teaspoon of light olive oil and crush a clove of garlic and spread this over the tortilla...I also usually have fresh basil growing in my will pick off a few leaves and chop to add to this.  Then proceed as above.

Both are yummy and again, hit the spot and are QUICK and HEALTHY.    Give one or both a go!!