150 Bold Tips about Life, People & Wisdom
by Tess Marshall - at The Bold Life
- Offer others your wisdom
- Don't give unasked for advice.
- Accept that everyone isn't on your path.
- Pay for your dates dinner.
- Plant a tree.
- Learn to love yourself.
- Stop whining. Change what you complain about. Let the rest go.
- Get involved in something you believe in.
- Believe in yourself.
- Enjoy your journey.
- Learn how to deal with anger, yours, and others.
- Use music to change your mood.
- Compliment others often. Never leave kind words unsaid.
- Don't save your good stuff for later.
- Affection isn't earned, it's freely given.
- Live with less of everything…except love.
- Visit Alaska.
- Have a “Yes” so big it allows you to say “No.”
- Learn how to say, “No, that’s not going to work for me.” Don’t offer an excuse.
- Stop buying expensive coffee.
- Use the money saved for a trip at the end of the year.
- Buy a good pair of New Balance athletic shoes and walk or run consistently.
- Learn how to receive. Just say, “Thank you!”
- Learn to enjoy reading.
- Admit when you’re wrong.
- Let others have the last word.
- Let go of quilt. It's wasted energy.
- Touch the people you love.
- Paint something.
- Respect yourself. Don't tolerate abuse.
- Learn to apologize.
- Learn to dislike fast food.
- Eat mindfully.
- Change the oil in your car regularly.
- Never visit someone empty handed.
- Be who you are.
- Understand and accept your weaknesses and shortcomings. Everyone has them.
- Always hold the door open for the person behind you.
- Call your mother today. Better yet, send her chocolates.
- Spend time listening to a child’s laugh.
- Find out what brings you joy. Then do it.
- Learn about fine art and classical music.
- Create your own health program.
- Take responsibility for your own happiness.
- Listen to your gut. It's never wrong. Never.
- Keep your surroundings neat and clean.
- Practice compassion and loving kindness.
- Learn about a different culture.
- Celebrate your strengths and successes.
- Allow yourself pleasure.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Make the first move. Don't keep score of who did what last.
- Learn how to fix things. Over time it will save you a fortune.
- Tap into your own genius.
- Decide fear won't stop you.
- Learn to deal with rejection. Everyone won't give you what you want.
- Create a vision for your future.
- Refuse to participate in uncomfortable situations.
- Create romance in your relationship.
- Smile more.
- Laugh frequently. It's a good thing.
- Listen to someone you disagree with. Remain neutral.
- Change a habit. Then change another.
- Get outside and smell the day.
- Always leave a big tip. Teach that the world is a generous place.
- Stop blaming others for your misery.
- Focus on one task at a time.
- Spend one day working in the fields with migrant workers. Then ask yourself if they are taking our jobs.
- Send thank you cards the old fashioned way.
- Wear sunscreen.
- Volunteer in a children’s hospital ward.
- Go the extra mile.
- Walk your date to the door.
- Be courageous. Break up with someone face to face.
- Learn what projection and how to accept it.
- Don’t take things personally.
- What people do is about them. How you respond is about you.
- Bring flowers to someone. Buy a single stem for yourself.
- Write poetry. It soothes your soul.
- Count your blessings. When is the last time you were grateful for your refrigerator?
- Be inspired by slam poetry. What a skill.
- Be impeccably groomed. Dress up on low energy days.
- Enjoy chocolate.
- Learn to change your emotional state.
- Forgive your parents.
- Write down what you promise others.
- Do the work.
- Practice gratitude.
- Agree to disagree.
- Be willing to compromise.
- Love toxic people from a distance.
- Remain true to your dreams and visions.
- Eliminate all forms of negative media from you life.
- Live the life you’ve imagined.
- Be true to yourself.
- Embrace the present.
- Just begin.
- Give thanks in advance.
- Use your imagination.
- Collaborate with others.
- Learn to admit, “I don’t know.”
- Find something to believe in.
- Get the help you need.
- Learn how to cook.
- Dare to be your best.
- Take risks. Do what scares you.
- See beauty in world.
- Celebrate what’s right with the world.
- Do something brilliant every day.
- Encourage others.
- Make a difference.
- Continue to learn something new.
- Mentor someone.
- Learn to be frugal.
- Spend time with children and the elderly.
- Be honest about your taxes.
- Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day.
- Don’t bet against yourself. Believe in yourself.
- Don’t clutter your mind or environment.
- Give anonymously.
- Don’t believe your own thoughts.
- Drop your story.
- Jump for joy.
- Take naps.
- Expect the best.
- End your relationship before you sleep with someone else.
- Learn how to meditate.
- Don’t text and drive.
- Be happy for the success of others.
- Don’t drink and drive.
- Don’t drink, text, and drive.
- Be inspired. Read and listen to good stuff.
- Remember this too shall pass, it always has and always will.
- Learn how to express yourself intelligently.
- Be a mindful driver.
- Thank a teacher.
- Become a mentor.
- Appreciate nature.
- Be the love you want to find.
- Notice small things; a blade of grass, a snowflake, tree bark.
- Surround yourself with happy people.
- Don't think about your problems. Solve them.
- Give up control and manipulation.
- Positively anticipate the future.
- Learn how to grow things.
- Where you find love lacking, offer love.
- Spend less time at work and more time at play.
- Learn self-restraint.
- Learn how to relax.
- Be bold!