Ah....the soothing benefits of my Deep Heat Ointment! I found out again just why I love this stuff so much, after shoveling last week. The first snow...in our case almost 2 feet, was enough to get the blood flowing while shoveling even the shortest driveway! I always have enjoyed shoveling...as much as I enjoy cutting the grass. Must be that sense of seeing it get done before your eyes - I also enjoy the outdoors too, so it's a win-win for me!
My Deep Heat Ointment soothes and relieves pain. Many use it regularly for arthritis and various aches and pains and it really can help those who have a hard time with simple daily tasks! Bottom line this stuff works!!! Pain reliever, muscle soother, increases range of motion, speeds healing to any and all muscle, tendon, ligament and skin injury - I can't imagine not having this in my herbal medicine kit. I also use it as needed when I spend too much time at the computer to loosen tight shoulder and upper back muscles. It has a hot/cold feeling when used and has the natural scent of pure wintergreen essential oil. Check out my site on the right -for this and other goodies.
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