I LOVE EASY, especially when it comes to healthy eating. Our fast food lifestyle has made eating 'junk' all too easy as we all know. But since you only need a few ingredients for any of these recipes, it makes this so do-able - and YES in only 3 minutes if you have everything ready!
I'm actually excited about making these this weekend, because if they taste as good as they sound, I'll be making them regularly...AND they freeze well also.
If you have time I would definitely browse through her Channel of recipes as there are so many good ideas and again, many look EASY. Let me know in the comments if you try these!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
How Coping Skills Can Change Your Life
I have often said that Coping Skills should be a mandatory course in school. Why isn't it??
Granted, learning to cope comes with time and experiences themselves, however having some basic skills in place can make a world of difference.
When I was a teenager/young adult - emotional upsets could derail me for days, weeks or months.
I was overly sensitive, but still! If I didn't have parents or a friend who at least took the time to listen to me and offer some way to 'feel better' I would have floundered even longer! I'm not saying they had any earthshaking answers. lol What they did have however
were some life experiences to draw on, stories to share - and when you feel at an all time low, feeling as if 'I'll never get over this" - anything they could offer to help was like a balm to me, even if only temporary. It was enough for me to at least have moments of relief - and that I now know was key.
That feeling of relief was my connection with my inner self again. I know I want to feel good - I think it's what drives all of us. But losing that connection doesn't feel very good and having coping skills in place make it all so much easier to get back to where we want to be/feel.
These are some ways I can usually find relief and reconnect with me - even if temporary:
I have seen many a person flounder with issues that come up in their lives simply because they don't have coping skills. A relationship break up, a fight with a friend, parent/child conflict, body image concerns, situational depression, job/money concerns - these can and do take on a different light when you have a way to cope and move forward with more hope and confidence.
No one has to go it alone - if you don't have parents or family/friends that can help with some of your concerns, there are counselors, books, and groups out there to support and offer much needed relief. The point I wanted to make here was simply to know that there's a big old world out there - answers galore. Reach out, ask for help, talk to someone, browse at your favorite bookstore or library - whatever that may be for you to find your way back to who you are.
You will find your problems seem smaller and more manageable if you can learn to do this as soon as you start having issues. Even the larger upsets or events will be a bit easier on you overall. It's all about coming back into alignment with that inner you that knows you best of all. Baby steps with this...your only goal here is to find ways to feel just a 'little' bit better to help you cope and move forward with more positive, hopeful feelings. ♥
Granted, learning to cope comes with time and experiences themselves, however having some basic skills in place can make a world of difference.
When I was a teenager/young adult - emotional upsets could derail me for days, weeks or months.
I was overly sensitive, but still! If I didn't have parents or a friend who at least took the time to listen to me and offer some way to 'feel better' I would have floundered even longer! I'm not saying they had any earthshaking answers. lol What they did have however
were some life experiences to draw on, stories to share - and when you feel at an all time low, feeling as if 'I'll never get over this" - anything they could offer to help was like a balm to me, even if only temporary. It was enough for me to at least have moments of relief - and that I now know was key.
That feeling of relief was my connection with my inner self again. I know I want to feel good - I think it's what drives all of us. But losing that connection doesn't feel very good and having coping skills in place make it all so much easier to get back to where we want to be/feel.
These are some ways I can usually find relief and reconnect with me - even if temporary:
- Talking with someone close to me
- Nature, I actually went 'tree hugging' this weekend!! :) -->
- Meditating/candles/music
- Music - loud
- Reading
- Netflix Marathon, or DVD
- Crocheting
- Eating something I really really enjoy with no guilt
- Talking with a coach/mentor (yes I do have one)
- Doing nothing or being overly busy cleaning/organizing
- Reading or re-reading many inspirational blogs, articles or books I have close at hand
- Audio books/online Podcasts that inspire me
- Look into volunteering
- Use herbs/vitamins I know help me with overall mood/hormones etc
I have seen many a person flounder with issues that come up in their lives simply because they don't have coping skills. A relationship break up, a fight with a friend, parent/child conflict, body image concerns, situational depression, job/money concerns - these can and do take on a different light when you have a way to cope and move forward with more hope and confidence.
No one has to go it alone - if you don't have parents or family/friends that can help with some of your concerns, there are counselors, books, and groups out there to support and offer much needed relief. The point I wanted to make here was simply to know that there's a big old world out there - answers galore. Reach out, ask for help, talk to someone, browse at your favorite bookstore or library - whatever that may be for you to find your way back to who you are.
You will find your problems seem smaller and more manageable if you can learn to do this as soon as you start having issues. Even the larger upsets or events will be a bit easier on you overall. It's all about coming back into alignment with that inner you that knows you best of all. Baby steps with this...your only goal here is to find ways to feel just a 'little' bit better to help you cope and move forward with more positive, hopeful feelings. ♥
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Soup Contest With Prize!
I Want Your Favorite Homemade Soup Recipes!
UPDATE! I have chosen the winner and I want to thank those who sent in their soup recipes! I'm looking forward to trying more of them and will have more to share 'next year'. The winner has been notified and will be receiving their gift! ☺
I've become rather bored with my meals of late and have been whining about it. And whining rarely puts a meal on my table! Plus it doesn't feel good!
So I ask myself - What would feel better?
How about...."Having so many yummy soup recipes I always have a choice!"
How about...."Having so many yummy soup recipes I always have a choice!"
Ok...I'm getting warmer! But why soup? Well it is cold out in my part of the world. It's darker out earlier and many days in a row of no sun. Sometimes all I want is to not have to think about 'what do I have to eat tonight?'
Soup satisfies this in so many ways for me!
Comfort food, a one-pot meal, leftovers and usually freeze-able!
Can't go wrong as far as I'm concerned.
NOW the key for my contest and giveaway is to have you give me some great new recipes that you and your family have enjoyed. I'm so tired of the 2 or 3 soups I have made over the years!
Only a few details to keep in mind:
- It can be meat /dairy or vegetarian recipe as I customize for whomever I'm cooking for
- Crockpot or a pot on the stovetop is fine!
- It really has to be a favorite of yours
- Share on my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/root2health or email it to me@ rt2health@yahoo.com
- DEADLINE - By Wednesday Dec 10
Pretty easy eh?
What's in it for you?
Out of the submissions I will pick 3 to try and the winner of those will WIN a free 4oz container of my
Organic Turmeric Powder!!
I use this in my cooking and for my yummy Turmeric Tea! Great for joint pain or any body inflammation, skin - acne, burns, bites, chicken pox etc. Also helps with Immune System.
For everyone else who takes the time to submit a soup recipe, I am making a free PDF document of all submissions and I will share with you in the very near future! So it's a Win-Win for all of us!
Can't wait to see some great new soups! Remember send in by Wed Dec 10!
Thank you in advance for sharing! ☺
Friday, October 10, 2014
Hair Loss Answers For Women
We all know that some hair loss is normal - the old standard of 100 strands of hair per day (not sure who came up with that number) has been a general rule.

However when it starts happening at a faster rate it's time to start looking at how to stop it and get things back to normal.
My experiences over the years have confirmed the most common cause for hair loss in women. S-t-r-e-s-s and it's affect on our hormone/glandular system. What I don't think enough women or doctors take into account are the variety of ways Stress will show up in the body. Many think that if they aren't in the middle of a larger life event (divorce, job loss etc) that they aren't overly stressed. However many of us are on emotional roller coasters and have been for a while. We've just been dealing with them longer so they seem, well, normal! For example:
- The job or relationship that drains you
- The care of an elderly parent or relative
- You have a job but live paycheck to paycheck
- Ongoing health issues that you wish you could change
- Weight gain
- Feeling you should be doing more with your life
- Problems with child's behavior at home/school
- Empty nest
- Hormone imbalance -thyroid, adrenal or reproductive hormones are most common (You can check with your doctor for guidance if you suspect hormone issues so you can monitor)
This is just a basic list but I'm hoping you get the general idea. Stress is a fact of life and generally speaking our bodies are set up to deal with it. The problems begin when the Stress is not addressed or compensated for, and continues without our taking steps to CARE for self. Our bodies can't always keep up and those safety nets that are normally in place to help us, start to show some wear and tear.
So what can be done?
The first thing would be to admit that there IS something going on within your life or lifestyle that is contributing. There is ALWAYS something you can do to make changes or improvements even when in the past it seemed impossible. If you simply say...'oh there's nothing I can do, or 'nothing can be done' then it's like having the answer knock on your door and you just ignoring the knock.
Stress also affects the PH in the body which upsets the flora in our digestive system which affects our hormones also - so I am REALLY making a point here lol - Stress affects hair loss! Read below for answers that I have used and/or recommended:
- Start to look at the STRESS that is in your life. It may not be going away anytime soon, but as I said there is SOMETHING you can DO to start to improve the situation or your daily reaction to it. The key is to DECIDE to start considering you have options!
- How is your overall diet? If your eating is below average (and even average isn't always enough when stressed) then you really need to consider making changes. The ongoing stress you are under is depletes our bodies stored vitamins/minerals. Our Nervous and Glandular systems THRIVE on proper nutrition. If you are having hair loss your systems are 'asking' you for more nutrition. That hair on your bathroom floor is the body doing the 'asking' to get your attention! Start cutting out the junk and opt for 'cleaner' choices.
- Yeast/Candida in the body.(PH being off mentioned above) Candida issues are so very common with stress...as regular stress contributes to the unwanted flora/bacteria in our digestive/intestinal systems and it multiplies big time. And this places stress on our glands - especially thyroid and adrenals. Vicious cycle
- Supplementation - B vitamins can become your BFF! ☺ I cannot say enough about a good B vitamin complex or diet with more B enriched foods. If I could pick one supplement that could or should be in your back pocket, this is the one. Especially for WOMEN! If you can only afford what's at the nearest drugstore, start with that. However quality will be KEY here. As many 'think' they are getting what they need but if the quality of the supplement falls short...you are being misled and think..'oh these don't work, what's the point?" My 'green drink' as I call it, delivers B vitamins like a shot in the arm. Pure, organic food, in powdered form - absorbs in 15 minutes (also acts like a multi vitamin) Starts righting some of the wrongs in our hormonal system and has a BIG effect on hair, skin and nail health. B vitamins also help the body (emotionally/physically) deal with stress and feed our adrenals (energy) See what I mean? B Vitamins can be a woman's best friend!
- Apple Cider Vinegar - I only use Braggs Vinegar...and my only reference for results. (can't speak for other brands) The Vinegar helps restore alkalinity in the body and is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral - thus it helps with Yeast/Candida in the body and topically. Start with a teaspoon orally per day and work up to a couple tablespoons daily if you can. You can also apply to hair/scalp (dilute with water when first using it) and rinse out - if possible leave on for 10 min or so...but if sensitive by all means rinse sooner!
(If you have more health specifics to discuss, please get in touch for a consultation!)
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
How To SPICE Up Your Health
LOVING this time of year!! If you step outside early one morning or later in the quiet evening air you will see what I mean. I love the Fall and the way the air just smells more 'earthy'. I find it extremely calming. And it's no wonder, as our awareness of nature and the earthiness scent I'm talking about help us feel connected to something greater.
And since each season has it's own set of 'scents' I wanted to talk about some of the favorites that you will no doubt find yourself enjoying this time of year.
A few of my favorite spices come up quite a bit this time of year and holiday season. Clove, Cinnamon and Ginger are used regularly in baking and holiday candies, beverages and goodies. If I do use any or all of these in my baking, I always bake with healthier ideas in mind. Less sugar and oils whenever possible. Yet I will not skimp on taste. I also add to my coffee or different herbal teas for an added kick - and yummy on hot or refrigerated oatmeal. Besides tasting these goodies in our food, the scents of them also are invigorating and health building. I love using essential oils or the whole spice itself to simmer and scent the air.
Ginger - We all know Ginger helps with upset stomach and motion sickness. If you need Ginger Ale for stomach issues...spend a little more and get some Ginger Beer (like Root Beer) in the health food section- Oh my, it's wonderful and you are really getting the good stuff! Ginger also improves circulation, specifically in the hands and feet. Ginger will also help with pain and inflammation of arthritis. Many will enjoy Ginger as a tea.
Cinnamon - Many have heard that Cinnamon helps with blood sugars. And it's true! It does have to be taken regularly, (capsule form is probably easiest), and of course you do have to keep track of your blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can also help with acid reflux and the scent can help with stimulating brain function.
Cloves - Cloves have long been noted for their remarkable benefit of helping with the pain of toothaches and sore gums. Apply directly to the area. Cloves also can be a great bug repellant (essential oil in spray bottle with water) Cloves are also anti fungal and can help with Yeast/Candida in the body.
Just a short list for each of these wonderful aromatic herbs/spices but since they are used so much this time of year I wanted you to know how much they can do for you. Stock up or give as gifts - teas, cookies, essential oils or yummy ginger beer! Many ways to enjoy!
Nature has us covered! ☺
And since each season has it's own set of 'scents' I wanted to talk about some of the favorites that you will no doubt find yourself enjoying this time of year.
A few of my favorite spices come up quite a bit this time of year and holiday season. Clove, Cinnamon and Ginger are used regularly in baking and holiday candies, beverages and goodies. If I do use any or all of these in my baking, I always bake with healthier ideas in mind. Less sugar and oils whenever possible. Yet I will not skimp on taste. I also add to my coffee or different herbal teas for an added kick - and yummy on hot or refrigerated oatmeal. Besides tasting these goodies in our food, the scents of them also are invigorating and health building. I love using essential oils or the whole spice itself to simmer and scent the air.
Ginger - We all know Ginger helps with upset stomach and motion sickness. If you need Ginger Ale for stomach issues...spend a little more and get some Ginger Beer (like Root Beer) in the health food section- Oh my, it's wonderful and you are really getting the good stuff! Ginger also improves circulation, specifically in the hands and feet. Ginger will also help with pain and inflammation of arthritis. Many will enjoy Ginger as a tea.
Cinnamon - Many have heard that Cinnamon helps with blood sugars. And it's true! It does have to be taken regularly, (capsule form is probably easiest), and of course you do have to keep track of your blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can also help with acid reflux and the scent can help with stimulating brain function.
Cloves - Cloves have long been noted for their remarkable benefit of helping with the pain of toothaches and sore gums. Apply directly to the area. Cloves also can be a great bug repellant (essential oil in spray bottle with water) Cloves are also anti fungal and can help with Yeast/Candida in the body.
Just a short list for each of these wonderful aromatic herbs/spices but since they are used so much this time of year I wanted you to know how much they can do for you. Stock up or give as gifts - teas, cookies, essential oils or yummy ginger beer! Many ways to enjoy!
Nature has us covered! ☺
Monday, September 01, 2014
Natural Fix For Anxiety
In this video I'm talking about some safe, natural options for those with Anxiety.
Yes I dealt with anxiety - for quiet a while. For me it was a revolving door, as I was also dealing with Bowel issues at the same time. One played off of the other. Either way I felt controlled by both situations and it took a lot of experimenting on my part to find what worked.
Please realize that what worked for me may not work for you. And at the same time I'd also like to say, don't give up looking for options if you have anxiety. I had the option of medication back then...but I kept looking. This is not to say there is anything wrong with medications for anxiety. They can be a life saver, I know. But I also know they can become a crutch, and many never look any further, and become dependent on them to function. I'm all about empowering others on helping themselves. So take about 10 minutes and watch the video and see if anything sounds do-able for you or someone you know.
And don't take my word on it - take my ideas and do some research as there's so much information out there. I hope this gives you a place to start.
Yes I dealt with anxiety - for quiet a while. For me it was a revolving door, as I was also dealing with Bowel issues at the same time. One played off of the other. Either way I felt controlled by both situations and it took a lot of experimenting on my part to find what worked.
Please realize that what worked for me may not work for you. And at the same time I'd also like to say, don't give up looking for options if you have anxiety. I had the option of medication back then...but I kept looking. This is not to say there is anything wrong with medications for anxiety. They can be a life saver, I know. But I also know they can become a crutch, and many never look any further, and become dependent on them to function. I'm all about empowering others on helping themselves. So take about 10 minutes and watch the video and see if anything sounds do-able for you or someone you know.
And don't take my word on it - take my ideas and do some research as there's so much information out there. I hope this gives you a place to start.
essential oils,
Thursday, July 31, 2014
RAK - Watch Kindness In Action!
It's been a while since I brought up my enjoyment of Random Acts of Kindness. It's something that has been a part of my life since I was a kid as my parents were and extended family were excellent examples.
Since I've been reminded of it twice this week so far, I realized I was due for some ways to show some RAK(random acts of kindness) to others, myself. I have a few ideas brewing in my head and I'm already looking forward to it! It's always a 'win-win'.
Now do yourself a feel good favor and click to watch this video and watch a wonderful example of Kindness disguised as 'Appreciation'.
Feel free to comment if you feel 'inspired!' ☺
Since I've been reminded of it twice this week so far, I realized I was due for some ways to show some RAK(random acts of kindness) to others, myself. I have a few ideas brewing in my head and I'm already looking forward to it! It's always a 'win-win'.
Now do yourself a feel good favor and click to watch this video and watch a wonderful example of Kindness disguised as 'Appreciation'.
Feel free to comment if you feel 'inspired!' ☺
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