What's Your Passion?
I can admit one of mine....I'm a Read-Aholic. That's the first step right? Admitting it?
I think I was hooked one summer at one of our cottages - a rainy day and nothing to do -I'm sure my mom at her wits end after countless questions of.."what's there to doooo?" Finally suggested: "Read" And I did. I haven't looked back since.
I'd say I got started with comic books. Archie and Richie Rich, and the occasional Spiderman or Superman. After the entertaining yet quick reads of comic books I graduated to Nancy Drew. I read every single one of those and when realizing I had nothing in the house I hadn't read, moved on to my brother's Hardy Boys series. Not quite the same, but hey...I had a habit to supply!! :o)Both of my parents were veracious readers, my dad especially. I can picture him with a book pretty much since I can remember. My two aunts were also read-aholics (runs in the family) and they were my saving grace over my years growing up. We traded books and talked authors constantly! "Did you read the latest Sue Grafton or Dick Francis?" No? I'll let you have mine when I'm done. And around the family they would go of course writing our initials on the front page so we knew we had already read it. A good rule of thumb of actually. One rarely threw away a book...I mean...its still good! I used to and still do donate old books or those I just didn't like to the library. The library was and is a lifesaver. I remember seeing a paperback I had seen my dad reading in the garbage...I asked..."What, no good?" He was like...no, it was good, i just finished it. What??! I reverently snatched it out of the garbage and actually found a new author I liked! Yikes...threw it out...I was now lamenting how many books had he actually tossed till I knew this!
I lean towards mystery and a good novel...on rare occasion a romance type, but I had my Harlequin Romance stage back one summer and found I needed more substance. I have favorite authors...Dick Francis is pretty much at the top of my list for fiction. Just something about the way you always end up liking his main character, unassuming and clever and wishing you knew him yourself. Not to mention the mystery aspect always got you. So much so, as my aunt and I will both agree to doing- putting his books down and NOT reading it because we never wanted it to end.
I know I am rambling about this subject..I really have only just begun - but I realize this is and always has been a HUGE passion of mine and I'm not afraid to say it. :o) What about you...what makes you forget where you are because you just get lost in it? Everyone has something I hope it's a healthy part of your life.